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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BMW secure advanced 36
INDOLA advanced milk comple 3
MATLOGIX advanced technolog 9
MISEM advanced by design 9
OLIVA advanced hair & skin 5
PARACHUTE advanced 3
PARACHUTE advanced +tree 3
PREMIER advanced technology 9
PRO FX advanced audio +arro 16
TOPAS advanced polymers +ar 1
PARACHUTE advansed scalp 3
AVS advansport +star 28
advantage AV 16
advantage HYUNDAI certified 12, 36, 37, 42
advantage woman 9, 16, 36
ADANI'S advantage +star 3, 24, 30, 32
ALLWAVE advantage 9
AMF advantage 9
B AIRCEL advantage +hand 38
BIRLA advantage 19
BIRLA advantage ADITYA BIRL 19
DCB advantage 36
DELO performance advantage 1, 4
ECLIPSE advantage 19
FREQUENT FILLER advantage 4, 9, 16
GLOBAL advantage 10
LCCS advantage 42
PAISAPOWER.COM advantage 9
PAISAPOWER.com advantage 16
PENTATEC advantage +cross 4
SKYSTAR advantage 9
TELEMAC advantage 9, 16
THE RELIANCE advantage 9, 16, 38
TRIM advantage 29
UTI advantage 36
XTP advantage 12
cellphone advantage 16
adventure 10 39
adventure OF MAJOR CHAUHAN 41
adventure island +stars 41
adventure wheels 12
AK SONALIKA adventure 23
BED ROCK adventure camp 43
CAMEL TROPHY adventure 14
CAMEL TROPHY adventure wear 25
CSI ROYAL adventure premium 33
adventure 16
DOUBLE-9 adventure 25
K4 adventure park +squares 41
KALI adventure camp 43
NAT GEO adventure +square 38, 41
SONALIK adventure 17, 34
SONALIKA adventure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 34
X LIMITZ adventure world 35
ZIP adventure 41
nat geo adventure 38, 41
AQUATERRA adventures 39, 41, 42
NIRVANA adventures 28
SNOWLEOPARD adventures +lio 9, 18, 20, 22, 25
TINY TOON adventures 9, 30
TINY TOON adventures +rabbi 3
TINYTOON adventures +circle 9
TINYTOON adventures +rabbit 21
arabian adventures +triangl 16
advertis 35
FESCO (re-advertised 1180) 5
SAI advertisers 35
VA VICTORY advertisers 16
Z ZODIAC advertisers +ovals 35
advertising SOLUTIONS 35
ACTIVE advertising marketin 35
AD DRISHYA advertising 35, 42
ADINN advertising services 35
ADVERTO advertising +star 35
ALLIANCE advertising 35
AMRUTA advertising 18
ART HILL advertising 35
ASHA advertising 16
BRAIN STORM advertising 35
CYCLONE advertising 16
DAY NIGHT advertising 42
EXHIBITION 13 advertising 35
EYE CANDY advertising 35
GEEVA advertising 35
GRANTON advertising pvt. lt 38
HOPE advertising +god 35
IOA INSPIRE advertising 35
K KAMDAR advertising +squar 35
K KARUKRIT advertising 16
KAPOLE advertising agency 16, 35
LAXMI advertising agency 35
MEDIA MIND advertising 35
MILLENNIUM advertising 16
MOON DROP advertising 35
MY DREAM advertising graphi 35
ORBIT advertising +arrow 35
PARAMIN advertising +square 16
PAWAN advertising +oval 35
PC outdoor advertising 16
RECKON advertising +circle 16
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